How to Add/Remove Liquidity
Easy to use interface
Last updated
Easy to use interface
Last updated
"Liquidity" is central to how the ZSwap exchange works. You can add liquidity for any token pair by staking both through the liquidity page.
In return for adding liquidity, you'll receive trading fees for that pair.
To provide liquidity, commit an amount of any token pair you like. Your lowest value (in USD) of the two tokens will be the limit to the liquidity you can provide.
You can easily trade for any tokens you need. In this example, we will add liquidity using SUB and AVAX.
Visit the Liquidity Page:
Click "Add Liquidity":
Click the "Select" drop down and choose from the list of available. In this example we will choose SUB and AVAX:
Once SUB and AVAX are selected it will look like this. You will see the available balance and dollar value of each token. When adding liquidity you will usually add equal $ amounts of each token. If you do not have one of the tokens in your wallet, you can still proceed (see Zapping Liquidity).
Click "Add Liquidity" to proceed. The next modal will attempt to automatically balance the liquidity tokens you are adding. You will need to enable ERC-20 tokens. Click "Enable SUB". Once enabled, you will be able to "Supply" the liquidity:
You will see an overview of the liquidity being provided and gained on the next modal, including any potential slippage if applicable (see Zapping Liquidity). Click "Confirm Supply":
Your wallet will ask you for confirmation. Confirm the transaction in your wallet. Congratulations you have successfully added liquidity and will be able to add the "ZLP" token address to your wallet. You will also see the LP token balance on the liquidity page.
To remove liquidity make sure you have the ZLP tokens in your wallet (you may need to unstake from a farm first) and reverse the process:
Visit the Liquidity Page. If the ZLP token is detected click the expand down icon and "Remove." If it is not detected, which happens with more obscure pairs, click the "Find other LP tokens" button:
Select the amount of liquidity to remove and the assets received. If the price impact is low, you can withdraw to a single asset using the Liqudity Zapping feature. You will need to "Enable" the LP token, which requires you to sign a transaction and then you can "Remove":
You will need to confirm the transactions in your wallet of choice, as before.